
What Is Kelp Good For In Gardening

Kelp fertilizer in meal or liquid form is an organic alternative to chemical fertilizers in the garden.

Of your choices in organic fertilizers, kelp seaweed is one of the best and most popular options available.

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In this article, we explore the use of kelp fertilizer to grow the best organic fruits, veggies, and other plants.

 Read on to learn more.

Why Choose Organic Fertilizer?

Many people are confused by the use of organic fertilizers because these products naturally contain lower concentrations of nutrients than chemical fertilizers.

This fact may lead you to believe they are not as good, but this is not the case.

When you use strong chemical fertilizers, you run the risk of accidentally applying too much and damaging or even killing your plants.

Organic fertilizers are more complex than chemical fertilizers.

They often contain ingredients which must be broken down by fungi and bacteria in the soil in order to be utilized by plants.

While this may seem like a disadvantage at first, it actually means organic fertilizers naturally release their nutrients slowly and steadily to keep plants consistently fed without the risk of damage.

While some chemical fertilizers kill off beneficial soil microbes, organic fertilizers nourish them and help build healthy soil.

Another great advantage of using organic fertilizer is it doesn't cause a crust of excessive minerals on the surface of the soil.

Organic fertilizers also help to build and maintain good soil structure and help water move through the soil efficiently.

Of all of the organic fertilizers available, kelp seaweed, available as meal or liquid, is tops in providing safe, high-quality nutrition for garden plants.

Should You Use Kelp Meal or Kelp Liquid?

Kelp fertilizer in meal or liquid form is made of an ocean seaweed which is available in great abundance. Details on seaweed fertilizers.

Kelp grows to huge lengths by living on the vast amounts of nutrients and minerals available in ocean water.

Both liquid kelp and kelp meal provide a wealth of macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) and micronutrients to all plants.

Kelp meal and powder are considered extracts, and they are intended to be used as soil amendments or as a top dressing in general gardening.

Liquid kelp is a cold-processed product delivering a bit more powerful wallop in terms of nutrition.

If you have severely depleted soil, and you want to give your plants a quick boost, liquid kelp fertilizer is the right choice for you.

When using liquid kelp fertilizer, be sure to read all instructions very carefully because, in the liquid form, it is usually very concentrated.

You would dilute it differently depending upon the type of plant your feeding.

5 Reasons Why Is Kelp the Best Organic Fertilizer

1 – Kelp is extremely nourishing.

When applied as a fertilizer, kelp supplies the vast nutritional benefits of the ocean and brings more than seventy minerals and vitamins to your plants.

2 – Kelp fertilizer is good for plants, good for the soil and good for the planet.

In terms of environmental friendliness, kelp fertilizer has many pluses from start to finish.

To begin with, kelp is extremely easily renewable as an organic fertilizer source.

It grows in massive quantities throughout the ocean, and individual plants can add 3′ feet of growth every day.

This means harvesting kelp is very sustainable because it replaces itself rapidly.

3 – Kelp fertilizer is safe for the water table.

Runoff of chemical fertilizer is notorious for polluting freshwater.

Kelp fertilizer will not do this.

4 – Kelp is safe for all sorts of soil and all sorts of plants.

When applied as a kelp meal or liquid kelp, you needn't worry about damaging plant roots or stems.

This naturally slow-release fertilizer is always safe as long as dilution instructions are followed.

5 – Use kelp fertilizer throughout the growing season for all plants.

From soaking seeds prior to planting to provide a nutritional boost to fruits and veggies just before harvesting, kelp meal and kelp liquid are always the perfect choices.

How Does Kelp Fertilizer Improve Plants, Fruits, and Veggies?

  • Vegetables fertilized with kelp meal or liquid kelp grow larger and are less likely to become soft after harvesting.
  • Flowers grown with kelp fertilizer produce more and larger blooms, which typically last longer as cut flowers.
  • Kelp fertilizer makes all plants stronger and healthier and better able to resist diseases and pests.
  • Plant roots fed with kelp grow faster and develop greater mass.
  • Kelp fertilizer provides nutrients for your plants and also makes them better able to extract nutrients from the surrounding soil.

4 Ways to Use Kelp Fertilizer

1 – Soil amendment: Kelp meal can mix into the soil prior to planting.

Additionally, follow packaging instructions to use it as a top dressing or side dressing for established plants.

2 – Foliar application: For best results, when applying liquid kelp fertilizer as a foliar spray, be sure to follow all instructions coming with your product.

Some gardeners find including a few drops of natural liquid soap as a surfactant helps the foliar spray to make better contact with the leaf surface, thereby making it more effective.

3 – Hydroponics: Liquid kelp fertilizer is an excellent choice if you're growing with a hydroponic system.

Add it to the water bed before introducing seedlings.

It helps beneficial bacteria to grow and establishes a healthy growth medium.

4 – Regular fertilizing: Liquid kelp is an excellent fertilizer to apply on a regular basis about once a month when you water.

Use as a tonic on plants performing poorly.

What Is Kelp Good For In Gardening


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